Thursday 30 August 2012

Big Ashtanga moment

I did so good running yesterday, that my legs today are full of knots and tension.


I hobbled over to the shala.

I did my practice.

And then Tiriang Mukha happened.

I'm not sure how David Robson noticed me, but I must have made a noise-that-sounds-like-pain. Because it hurt.

He came over and started teaching me how to roll only the outer part of the calf out. And then folding forward, and squeezing the tiriang mukha leg back, and pushing the extended femur forward.

It worked!

And then my nemesis, Marichiyasana Series, loomed before me.

There was the murmur of pain in Marichiyasana B, but it was perfectly tolerable. I had hopes of recreating the nearly-complete Garbha Pindasana I did yesterday.

Then, Marichiyasana D slapped me in the face, "No dice, home slice."

"Why don't you modify today," suggested David Robson kindly.

I think I pouted.

Garbha Pindasana wasn't happening.


I rocked the backbends instead.

After the first dip back, David Robson asked me, "Do you do your backbends by yourself?"



Little did I know....

Later, in the long paschimottanasana that followed, David Robson stuck his fingers into my hip and made me cry.

"There is tension here," he says, like I'm not paralyzed and whimpering.

But oh my, it was a goooooooooood day at the shala.

In other news, my hair is growing out:

See that nub of hair in the back? That's a ponytail! I can tie it up now! 

Before you know it, it'll be 8 inches or more, enough to donate again! 

And if you thought that was it, I'm going to hit you with a double-punch of cuteness. 

Because Two-Two loves DinoToy. And it's the perfect pillow height. 

Here you go:

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